The Program Committee of the 57th Annual ISA Power Industry (POWID) Symposium has issued a Call for Papers, inviting authors, innovators, thought leaders and other professionals in the power-generation industry to submit abstracts for presentation consideration at the conference.
The symposium, the largest conference dedicated to automation, control systems and instrumentation in the power generation industry, will be held 1-6 June 2014 at the Hilton Scottsdale Resort in Scottsdale, Arizona, USA.
The theme of the 2014 ISA POWID Symposium: “Instrumentation and Control Solutions for Today’s Industry Challenges”
The theme of this year’s gathering, “Instrumentation and Control Solutions for Today’s Industry Challenges,” underscores the need to provide answers to the critical dilemmas in power generation, namely:
- Maintaining reliability of power generation while managing fluctuating load demands (known as cycling)
- Securing critical data and information through advanced cybersecurity
- Meeting increasingly stringent environmental controls regulation
“All of these difficult challenges require instrumentation and control technology as part of the solution,” declares Aaron Hussey, Director of Technical Services
at Expert Microsystems, Inc., and General Chair of ISA’s 2014 POWID Symposium. “Utility companies need to address them head on as they organize their current business units and plan for the future.”
“For instance,” he points out, “maintaining and improving reliability in the face of increased cycling is increasing the demand for technical talent that can create and apply innovative solutions for new types of operations, such as low-load and faster ramp rates.
Prospective authors are invited to submit original contributions by 15 January 2014. Abstracts, whether they include a technical paper or a presentation only, must be submitted through the X-CD system on the conference web site at A link to the X-CD system is expected to be posted on the site shortly.
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