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How to count traffic - vehicle sensing

Video vehicle detection - video analyticsUsing CCTV and intelligent counting units, a video vehicle traffic counting system achieves over 98% accuracy in all conditions: day and night in rain, sun and snow. Cars are counted as they pass through the counting zone One camera covers several exits of a junction. At four-way junctions, for example, the system provides multi-directional counts for vehicles turning north, south, east or west and coming from any direction - making the system very cost-effective. There is no limit to the number of roads and junctions on which traffic can be counted using the scalable CCTV system.  Local video analytics minimises bandwidth use. Traffic counts are uploaded in real-time via the internet, so traffic engineers can view live (down to 15 m...
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Automated Passenger Sensing System is 98% Accurate

Passenger sensingAutomated passenger sensing system provides reliable data at low cost, no matter how busy the service. Using CCTV and intelligent people counters, the sensing system logs numbers of people getting on and off buses, trains or other public transit system at each stop or station. The passenger sensing system on its own provides valuable information, but when you add vehicle tracking operators can see where a bus or train is as well as how many people are on it The system has saved a British bus company thousands of pounds per bus. By automatically counting people on and off their buses, the company could cross-check passenger numbers with ticket machine transactions. With proof that they had more passengers than transactions, managers took ...
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